08 April 2008

J'échoue français! Pourquoi?

Title Translation: I'm failing French! Why?

I have no illusions about my educational performance, I am not a very good student. I have poor study habits and I procrastinate when it comes to my homework. What I do know is that I am not stupid, and I know when I do or do not deserve a grade.

French is a hard subject, for me at least. I've been taking it for almost 3 years now, and it has constantly been an uphill battle. When I put my mind to it though, I can glide through with a B. I can usually understand when my grade in the class drops into the D/F range. I've usually done something glaringly obvious to miss that many points.

But this last time, I was confused. I know I missed at least one important assignment, but it couldn't have been enough to cause me to be failing the class. I've been turning all my assignments in and I've even been doing extra credit to up my grade. When I checked the assignment log, it said I was missing three assignments, two of which I knew I turned in. Unfortunately, I am unable to prove that I did them, because I recently reorganized the papers I've had and threw those assignments away.

To make matters worse, I think that I am possibly the only student in the class who is actually failing. I'm positive that there's got to be something wrong with that. I've talked to my teacher about the problem several times, but I think she has stopped listening to me. Now the end of this quarter is fast approaching and I'm going to be stuck with this grade on my third quarter report card.

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