30 April 2008

The Lost Idols

This is just going to be a really short thing. Lately, American Idol has been a constant source of disappointment and the cause of some rather random fits violence (R.I.P. Papers, you never got to be put to proper use).

The first bit of disappointment was when this one chick, Kristy Lee Cook would just not get voted off! For God's sake! Everyone I know, friends and family who watch American Idol, were screaming for her blood. And yet she manages to cling on for a good 4 weeks longer than should have been legal. To add to the terribleness of the situation, Ramiele Malubay got sent home.

It was heartbreaking, because Ramiele is sweet (not to mention Filipino, FILIPINO PRIDE, YO!!!!) and the minute it was announced, she started to cry. Did I forget to mention that, almost no talent Kristy Frakking Lee Cook, WASN'T eliminated?! Where the hell is the justice in that?! The only thing that assuaged my homicidal feelings to all things remotely like KLC was that she was bumped off the next week.


But then later, this other girl, Carly, gets eliminated after a spectacular performance. There were two other contestants who were much worse than her didn't get eliminated. In fact, another contestant, Syesha, who also performed a show-stopper that night was also in the final two with Carly.

Tonight, another person's gonna get knocked off the show. I will be super pissed if Syesha or either of the David's is in the bottom two. Hopefully, America's not as stupid as I have pretty much assume by this point.


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